Biwa Vocabulary



ah ʌʔ M present tense irrealis modal

albu ɑlbə adj white

anto ɑltə N leaf

ár ɑɽ M past tense negative indicative modal - didn't

artu ɑʈə adj dry


pn p you - 2nd person exclusive personal nominative pronoun

baba bɑbə N r/a baby

bah bʌʔ pn p you - 2nd person exclusive personal accusative pronoun

bahen bʌʔn̩ pn p you, you all - 2nd person plural exclusive personal accusative pronoun

bán bɑn pn p you, you all - 2nd person plural exclusive personal nominative pronoun

biva biwɪ N n language

blupe blʉpɯ V tr to drink

blup blʊp N blood

blyd blyd N tongue

bump bʊmp N hart


num two (2)

cabá kəˈbɑ pn p you both - 2nd person dual exclusive personal nominative pronoun

cabah kəˈbʌʔ pn p you both - 2nd person dual exclusive personal accusative pronoun

cací kɪˈki pn p they - 3rd person neuter personal absolute pronoun

cacih kɪˈkɨʔ pn p they - 3rd person neuter personal ergative pronoun

caé kɪˈe pn p they both - 3rd person animate dual personal nominative pronoun

caeh kəˈɛʔ pn p they both - 3rd person animate dual personal accusative pronoun

caél kɪˈel pn p they - 3rd person real dual personal absolute pronoun

cagih kɪˈɡɨʔ pn p we both - 1st person dual exclusive personal accusative pronoun

cagij kɪˈɡi pn p we both - 1st person dual exclusive personal nominative pronoun

c aju kɑjə adj new

calij kɪˈli pn p they - 3rd person real dual personal ergative pronoun

camis kɪˈmɨs pn p you both - 2nd person dual inclusive personal accusative pronoun

camisa kɪˈmisə pn p you both - 2nd person dual inclusive personal nominative pronoun

caón kɯˈown pn p we both - 1st & 3rd person dual personal nominative pronoun

caòn kəˈɔnː pn p we both - 1st & 3rd person dual personal accusative pronoun

catjél kɪˈtʃel pn p we both - 1st person dual inclusive personal nominative pronoun

catjell kɪˈtʃɛlː pn p we both - 1st person dual inclusive personal acusative pronoun

ke M present tense interrogative modal

ci art the - neuter gender definite article

ki pn p it, they - 3rd person neuter personal absolute pronoun

cih kɨʔ pn p it, they - 3rd person neuter personal ergative pronoun

ciin kin pn p they - 3rd person neuter plural personal absolute pronoun

cihen kɨʔn̩ pn p they - 3rd person neuter plural personal ergative pronoun

cij ki M past tense interrogative modal

cip kɨp V tr to kill (strong: cip, cep, cup )

corr kɔr N night

coj kəː pr in which

cov kow M future tense interrogative modal

cuun kʉn pn i what


derir derɻ̩ N a fiancée

dimbe dɨmbə N r house

do con from, since - marks beginning of a period or range


e ə art the - animate gender definite article

é e pn p he, she, they - 3rd person animate personal nominative pronoun

eclij ekli N neck

eh ɛʔ M past tense irrealis modal

eh ɛʔ pn p he, she, they - 3rd person animate personal accusative pronoun

ehen ɛʔn̩ pn p they - 3rd person animate plural personal accusative pronoun

el art the - real gender definite article

él el pn p he, she, they - 3rd person real personal absolute pronoun

élen eln̩ pn p they - 3rd person animate real personal absolute pronoun

én en pn p they - 3rd person animate plural personal nominative pronoun

ér M future tense negative indicative modal - won't


ɸe num one (1)

febá ɸəˈbɑ pn p you, thou - 2nd person singular exclusive personal nominative pronoun

febah ɸəˈbʌʔ pn p you, thou - 2nd person singular exclusive personal accusative pronoun

fecí ɸɪˈki pn p it - 3rd person neuter dual singular personal absolute pronoun

fecih ɸɪˈkɨʔ pn p it - 3rd person neuter dual singular personal ergative pronoun

feé ɸɪˈe pn p he, she - 3rd person animate singular personal nominative pronoun

feeh ɸəˈɛʔ pn p he, she - 3rd person animate singular personal accusative pronoun

feél ɸɪˈel pn p it - 3rd person real singular personal absolute pronoun

fegih ɸɪˈɡɨʔ pn p I - 1st person singular exclusive personal accusative pronoun

fegij ɸɪˈɡi pn p I - 1st person singular exclusive personal nominative pronoun

felij ɸɪˈli pn p it - 3rd person real singular personal ergative pronoun

fenna ɸɛnnə N woman

fjuss ɸjʉs N breast

flerda ɸleɖɪ V tr burn

flerro ɸlɛrrə N fire

flomma ɸlɔmmə N tree

follu ɸɔllɯ adj full

fvá ɸwɑ N fat

fvegna ɸwɛŋnə N skin


gasta ɡʌstə N a young woman, girl

gih ɡɨʔ pn p I, we - 1st person exclusive personal accusative pronoun

gihen ɡɨʔn̩ pn p we - 1st person plural exclusive personal accusative pronoun

giin ɡin pn p we - 1st person plural exclusive personal nominative pronoun

gij ɡi pn p I, we - 1st person exclusive personal nominative pronoun

glose ɡlowsə V in to fly

glov ɡlow N bird

gull ɡʊl adj red

gvonne ɡwɔnnə V tr to say

gvoppa ɡwɔppə N bark



icco ɨkkɪ N egg

igne ɨŋnɪ V in to go, to come

ill ɨl N star

issa ɨssɪ N seed


jicco jɨkkɪ N r flea, louse

jocam ˈjowˌkʌm N a farmer



lagne lʌŋnə V it to die

lell lɛl N toot

liin lin pn p they - 3rd person real plural personal ergative pronoun

lij li pn p it, they - 3rd person real personal ergative pronoun

lòm l&596;m N r bed

lov low N n water

lud lʊd pn p we - 1st person inclusive + 3rd personal accusative pronoun

luda lʉdə pn p we - 1st person inclusive + 3rd personal nominative pronoun

ludan lʉdn̩ pn p we all - 1st person inclusive + 3rd plural personal nominative pronoun

ludden lʊdn̩ pn p we all - 1st person inclusive + 3rd plural personal accusative pronoun

luv N tail


maco mɑkə N cloud

maff mʌɸ N path, way

maja mɑjə N eye

mennir mɛnɻ̩ N ground

mide midɪ V tr to see

mignu mɨŋnɪ adj hot

mis mɨs pn p you - 2nd person inclusive personal accusative pronoun

misa misɪ pn p you - 2nd person inclusive personal nominative pronoun

misan misn̩ pn p you, you all - 2nd person plural inclusive personal nominative pronoun

missen mɨsn̩ pn p you, you all - 2nd person plural inclusive personal accusative pronoun

mjac mjʌk N knee

mjoto mjowtɯ N stone

morna mowɳɯ N n name

mugn mʊŋn N r nose

mulna mʊln#623; N a spouse

musso mʊssɯ N n hair

muv adj grateful, sorry. exc Thank you!  I'm sorry.

myle mœʏlɪ V in to sleep

møh mœʔ N r Moon

mønt mœnt N n flesh, meat


na pn p itself - reflexive personal pronoun in subjects

pn p himself, herself, themselves - reflexive personal pronoun in objects

nite nitɪ V in to swim

njaffo ɲʌɸə N lever

njeta ɲetɪ N feather

nolle nɔllə V tr to know

nøgnte nœŋnə V tr to like, to be in love with


oh ɔʔ M future tense irrealis modal

ompu owmpɯ adj good

ón own pn p we - 1st & 3rd person personal nominative pronoun

òn ɔnː pn p we - 1st & 3rd person personal accusative pronoun

ónen ownɯn pn p we - 1st & 3rd person plural personal nominative pronoun

ònen ɔnːən pn p we - 1st & 3rd person plural personal accusative pronoun

orr ɔr N Sun

orru ɔrrə adj yellow

ovo owwə N horn


M present tense positive indicative modal - do

pe M past tense positive indicative modal - did

pjorr pjɔr N paw

pjuma pj N rain

poter powtɻ̩ N buck

pov pow M future tense positive indicative modal - will

pull pʊll V tr to stand (strong: pull, poll, pell)

pulle pʊllɯ V in to stand

pùmba pʊmbɯ N r drum


quasa kwɑsə N foot

quilla kwɨllɪ N man

quone kwownə V tr to give


rass rʌs V tr hit, beat (strong: rass, ress, ross)

rensa rensɪ N human being

rocco rɔkkə N mouth

roj rəː N bone

roll rɔl N hand

ross rɔs a all, every


sablu sɑblə adj black

sjacce ʃʌkkə V in to walk

sjero ʃerɪ N a child

sjugn ʃʊŋn N smoke

sjytel ʃœʏtl̩ N long

so con for, because, due to - causal connector - so a : because - so cuun ci : why

són sown V tr to sit (strong: són, sén, sín)

sone sownɯ V in to sit

sùn sʊn M will, would - future tense potential modal

sỳn syn M would have - past tense potential modal

sø̀n sœn M would - present tense potential modal


tibuna tibʉnɯ N r garage

tjél tʃel pn p we - 1st person inclusive personal nominative pronoun

tjélen tʃeln̩ pn p we all - 1st person plural inclusive personal nominative pronoun

tjell tʃɛlː pn p us - 1st person inclusive personal accusative pronoun

tjellen tʃɛlːn̩ pn p us - 1st person plural inclusive personal accusative pronoun

tjesju tʃeʃə adj cold

totte tɔttə V tr to bite

tøse təːsə V tr to stop, to quit


ugna ʊŋnɯ N mountain

uttjo ʊttʃɯ N fish


valla wʌllə N root

vaco wɑkə adj easy, not worried, welcome. exc you're welcome!

vèn wɛn N a friend

verr wɛr adj green

vocel wowkl̩ N big, large


xapet ˈxɑˌpɛt N head

xibo çibɪ N r book

xiccu çɨkkɪ N small, little

xij çi N n time

xiss çɨs N n ashes

xje çə adv habitually, periodically

xjotjata ˈçowˌtʃɑtə V to smoke

xligna xlɨŋnɪ N dog

xoh xɔʔ adv here

xov xow adv now

xordin xowɖn̩ N ear

xorre xɔrrə V tr to hear

xorto xowʈɯ N sand

xver xweʈ V tr to bring


yp yp N many

ybbu ybbɪ adj round

ýr œʏɽ M present tense negative indicative modal - don't

yrre yrrɪ V tr to eat

yt yt V tr to lay (strong: yt, at, et)

ytne ytnɪ V in to lie


øma əːmə N r ring

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