Uraba, New Granada - November 1810

29 November, 1810

Well.  29 November.  I used to have my birthday that date.  I wonder if I should correct that date, since I appeared downtime in 23 September 1810 from... 26 September 2001, so my biologically I should have became 29 last Monday.  Hmmm, 26 November.  Well.  I decide that I have become 29 today, this means that I was _born_ the 29 November 1781.  Well, this means that I had somehow existed in four centuries!

Well.  I am in Urabá region, facing back to the mountains.  Somehow I like the mountains better than being on the ground down here overheating.  It seems that I am starting something.  I just don't know what exactly it is.  I am trying to create an army, a rebel army, whish will have to fight something for something.

I have rounded the idea that this army will fight against the Spanish Crown in Colombian soil, where Colombia means the free country that will emerge from New Granada, Quito and Venezuela, including Panama and Maynas.  I want this army to be an army of Pardos instead of an army of Creoles, just to improve the status of the mix bloods, but I am pretty sure that I do not want this to become a racial war.

I was also trying to make plans to have the country I would want.  I thing the better way would be to have some kind of federation of states, but trying to have some artificial or geographic states instead of the historical ones.  I hope that states that extends over uptime Panama and Colombia or Colombia and Venezuela would prevent them to break.  Well.  This is something I will thing deeper when time comes.

For instance, this state that extends over Panama and South American New Granada is where I am right now. This was once called Castilla del Oro.  Darien would be another fitting name as is the name of the forest that divide Central and South American New Granada and the name of that gulf that extends from Cartagena to Portobelo.  Yes.  This will be the State of Darien taking bits from Panama, Cauca (Chocó) and Cundinamarca (Western Antioquia).  Here I will build my stronghold.

It is perfect: easy access to the Caribbean and the Pacific, gold, good soils for Banana, little Spanish authority, lots of free Negroes and mix bloods.  Well, too rainy and too hot for my taste but this is something that will eventually be solved.

This will be my state and if I manage to consolidate will be just one state of Colombia but a state that could drive Colombia to consolidate according to my model.  So this must be a strong state.  However I have not proclaim it yet, so I guess I have to let those people in Frankfurt to miss us.

And this will give a reason for the army.  This will be the army of the State of Darien that will fight for the liberation of the peoples of Darien.  I just hope that I can make this struggle when our enemy is still Spain and not the Creole government of a free New Granada, so I can fight besides the Creoles against a common enemy, making then Darien more eatable for the Creoles.

This is my plan: to train a decent army, to proclaim the Free State of Darien when other cities upraise against Spain, and to use the army to secure both Darien and the rest of New Granada and Venezuela. Then, using the common struggle I will propose to a Union of all the provinces in New Granada and Venezuela into a new Federal Republic of Colombia, in which Darien would be one of the states.

Well.  At this time I have some rifles.  Some sent from Cascadia and buried in Malaga Bay, and some sent from USA and buried near the Turbo mouth.  I could arm a 500 men force with them, but I still lack that manpower.  For the moment I expect to mount a second base camp in the Paramillo Mountains, and to recruit more people.  I expect that Lozano, in Base Camp one, have done his labor as recruiter.  Probably by the end of the year we have a decent 500 good trained men army, and I hope for 2000 to 5000 by July 1811.

I am tired.  I suppose that once Base Camp two is established, I will rest there for a while, instead of my original plan to go back to Base Camp one.  But I cannot stop for long.  There is much work to do if I want a decent army by the time the USA-Spanish war begins.  I expect that most uprisings will happen then, so that is the time to be prepared.

-- Carlos Eugenio Tomas Pinzón Garcia
   Turbo River, Antioquia
   New Kingdom of Granada