Languages, sketches, attempts, etc.
Some times you have and idea about making an interesting, perfect, nice sounding or
what ever kind of language.
- Rithen: My first conlang as reconstructed.
- Akulm: The world of Akulm where
different species and tribes would have their own language.
- Fërismonlarën: One of the
languages of Akulm.
- Moscha: The Language of the Moscha sub-nation.
- Criollo: The Spanish based language of Hangkerim.
- Nyucar: The English based language of Hangkerim.
- Kizidanoce: The Language of the Hangkerim
- Chleweyish: A personal language for the Chleweiness.
- Hangkerimce: The national language of the Hangkerim culture.
- NGL: A co-operative effort for a language for the new generation.
- Biwa: An interesting non-purposed project.
- Interlect: A constructed Internationa Auxiliary
Language, just done for fun.