Back in Darien, Carlos Pinzon, July 1811

July 14th, 1811. Paramillo mountains, Antioquia, Viceroyalty of New Granada. Or Paramillo mountains, Free State of Darien.

Well, I have had little time to sit down and write since I was in Vegard's property in Virginia.  A trip to New York City, then meeting some people in Richmond and Washington, getting in touch with the British advisers, and finally coming back to my revolution.

I get a chance to interview with Tomas Jefferson, it was a short visit in which Logan introduced Jorge Tadeo to him.  I still feel that Jorge Tadeo will be missed here, at least he was a Creole from the Santa Fe aristocracy that would help legitimize any struggle I get involved in, despite his military experience, but I know he has a more important role as my representation in the United States.  For the military experience I have now to rely on the British advisers... well for the moment, two of them are pretty ill right now, I hope they recover soon... what can I say: welcome to the tropics.

Logan Ferree was a nice guy, but there was little we could agree on.  Of course, he want his America to be a big nation, while I would like that in a future the Hispanic community to be as powerful as it never was uptime.  Anyhow, winds of war are really strong and I cannot be happy about it, even if it could be better for my plans against the Spanish rule.  Well, actually there was a lot of things in common like our views on slavery.  Anyhow we shared our drafts on the constitutions of Virginia and Darien and probably some few things could be introduced in my final draft.

Back in Darien, I found out that Commander Prudencio has done a nice job keeping the forces disciplined.  Now in their new uniforms they really look like an army.  I am still trying to figure out who a ruana will fit with the uniforms.  The base camps in Sumapaz, near Santa Fe, and Catatumbo, near Maracaibo were ready and those near Cartagena, Portobello and Buenaventura were going fine.  Prudencio didn't dared however to send explorers to Bloofields, so I guess I will soon in my way to Central America.

There is still a ship missing, we still don't know if she was captured or if she wrecked or if she is just delayed.   I am little worried since there have also been a few encounters between my troops and royal soldiers.  I do not thing that the Spanish authorities suspect anything serious yet, but we have to be careful before we are ready.

Anyhow I do not like all this very much.  I am trying to command a revolution I am not completely fond on.  I would like to have control but, as I heard, it seems that Bolivar is having contact with uptimer-trained mercenaries, and I am not completely sure that Bolivar version of the revolution is what we need.  There is also the civil war in Spain which Ferdinand seem to be winning and that war between Spain and the USA that people rumor up there.

-- Carlos E. T. Pinzón G. aka Comandante Tomás.
   Paramillo Mountains